Saturday, November 28, 2009


We were alone

In that crowd of two

We hungered but

Of course never



You were too young

To know that going

Against your vows

Would’ve been only

A momentary pleasure.


In that small town –

Small enough

For hungrier eyes to see

And waggier tongues to wag.


I wore the trinket ring

You gave me from the gum

Machine for years beyond

Would like to find it again

As if its restoration

Could blow life back

Into my now

Deflated old days.


For long years I passed

Biker chicks and wondered

If you’d become one

In your anger and defiance.


I starved myself

Inside your wishes

But even the shrunken

Me was no able

Opponent to

Your dreams


There are those that know

More of you

Than I ever could

But what I know is

Specific enough

For its own history

Which is stored in all its

excruciating detail

in the confines

of a distant memory



                                    -jim hill (11-27-09)


Stephanie said...

i adore your writing, it makes me want the type of romance that leaves one weeping and empty, worse for wear, but still frenzied and wide eyed in the happy accident and leavings of it all.

radioisfree said...

what a nice thing to say. and your writing is potent and leaves me gut-shot, wounded.