Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Untitled (for Shonnie 2)

what did i like
and how did it feel?

although it's been some time
ages actually
i can't say i've had a lot 
of activity between
the ears. i must be the same
if i still recognize what i know
to be what it is. don't argue
just kiss me and say you don't 
remember me just the way i was

i've got an arrangement with the clock:
he doesn't question my choices
i don't stare at him for quicker 

the hair about her face was
first loosely curled
and she wore sweaters
jeans a locket or two
she was sweet but turbulent
tasty but fizzy too - there was a bite
at the end - like a special trap
to be sprung
i was in her orbit
and waited with
quickened pulse
at the prospect of a glimpse
or a brush of her hair
a wave of her hand
she tended not to listen
to compliments
like she knew the truth about herself
and refused to be out-argued

i knew my own truth of her
and i would cross no line
that held her back
held her to vows
both private and public
what was it about her that
propelled me to respect her honor?  could she
not see and know that i was like any other
man: salivating, sweating, hard and panting, lying
through curled lips
and all the rest. 

what kept you out of my arms
out of my bed
but wrapped in my heart like
the most expensive candy - unopened
exquisite. why did i weaken and refuse to
fight for the freedom of your choices
was i not a patriot - pledging allegiance
to all that i perceived as your wishes
and autonomy. sovereignty, shonnie,
and all else,
was always yours.

(c) jim hill (12-30-09)

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