Wednesday, December 30, 2009

the medicine
won't let me cry
i feel nothing
until the scraping
on my hand draws 

(i stare until it stops)
the hot kettle 
makes the hiss
of a burn
but i want only
for it to burn hotter 
and deeper
longer even
it's  never long enough

i cough under the sneeze-shield
at the salad bar
and throw caution to the wind
when i grab an unsuspecting
door knob or gate handle
that cold metal and all it harbors
as danger is what feels good on
my skin

had a man once
that liked me
this way
but it got old to him
too frustrating he said
i was "whack" is the way he put it
i slapped that bastard so hard
he couldn't breathe. he ordered me 
out but i'd already left him i decided
his little pissant outlook angered me

i cut his plants into little bits
after i said goodbye. i waited for him
to go to work and i carved up those beloved
bromeliad pups into little origamis. wonder 
what he thought on his return. i made my way to 
the trestle and that song
my mom used to play me 
when i was a child
kept swirling
caliope-like in my head on the way down,
"...billy joe mcalister jumped
off the talihatchee bridge."

(c) jim hill (12-30-09)

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