Friday, March 27, 2009

Monkey Room

In A Monkey Room

The mother monkey
Signed to me
A slashing motion
To her throat
I’m not a naturalist
So I let her do it
I thought every species
Enjoy eating their young
Who am I to complain
To an ungrateful nation
Of hairy apes.

-jim hill (3-27-09)


Carolyne Swift said...

wow, you are very talented. I like all of them but this one so far the best, because you didn't lose me anywhere along the way.

I like the white against black background -- it really works for poetry, doesn't it? -- maybe I should change my blog layout -- so the poems will suddenly be more mysterious :)

my word verification is lushrop -- that should be a real word !

radioisfree said...

and mine is mospere. that should be someone's rap name (incidentally, the coolest rap name never used is 2 def 2 hear).

radioisfree said...

visited your blogs yesterday and would love to leave posts, but can't figure out the whole atom thing. my questions regard the "before the internet - journal" - it confuses me. i need to read further; investigate farther.

Carolyne Swift said...

what atom thing is that? now I'm confused, ha ha... the Book of Crow is my "creative" blog -- the Dratski is a journal I wrote pre-internet back when I had brain cells, and modernist-me is current: my dark period you might say. Cheers !

radioisfree said...

when i go to your blog(s) and try to write in the comment box, i'm not allowed. at the bottom is a message saying something like post via atom. when i click on that, it starts a download but then i can't find the download. maybe yours aren't the only brain-cells that were lost. as you don't show an email address i guess we can communicate here... or not. entirely up to you. best regards - jim