Monday, January 18, 2010

untitled (teach me)

teach me
what you can
about fireworks
and lava flows.
help me to
see my place
in the making
of things
and the consuming
of things

where can i
for example
see my position
on the grid
of living
when all around me
have faced uncertainty
with a shrug
they prefer to
see things as they
are and ignore the obvious
they talk themselves
into a casual acceptance
of the moral condition
their's is an agenda
based on lies
and false witness
what their daddies
told them about
God and how their
moms told them to wash up 
before meals. would those 
things really matter were it not for
an abundant disregard
for the complexities in which
we find ourselves -
hidden and anonymous
in the texts of the living

(c)jim hill (01-18-10)

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