Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Have I banned the bayonet
Or forgotten how?
In the world of slow motion text
A scam of epic proportion
Threatens to overtake
Your mind and destroy
All thoughts, memories,
And excavations.
I’ve taken to wearing an
Aqualung to bed
There’s a protective layer
Of skin over my eyes
That’s taken decades to grow
I’ll protect myself
With this wall
And only occasionally will
I invite you in.
You can pretend
A deafness
At my invitation
But I’ll know that truth:
Your ignorance
Is something you’ve cultivated.
For a lengthy visit
I’ve chided you for saying yes
And ignoring my maybe
In another time
Our playful thoughtfulness
And life-lessons
Would’ve been admired
By old people
Whose world-view was
Limited to two-block
Stretches of freedmen’s town.

-jim hill (3-24-09)

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